Thursday, December 5, 2019

A leopard, a lion, and a she-wolf in Canto 1 free essay sample

Dante encounters a leopard, a lion, and a she-wolf in Canto 1. What do you think these beasts symbolize, if anything? Which animal seems to pose the greatest problem for Dante? When Dante is in his quest to get to the sunlight, he encounters three animals, which are a leopard, a lion, and a she-wolf. They fill him with fear and drive him back down to the sunless wood. They represent three major categories of human sin as well as three major divisions of the hell which Dante will experience later. The poet Dante represents mankind which is threatened by these three animals.Their symbolism contributes to the shadowy atmosphere of the opening scene and they are related to subsequent events in Dantes journey through hell. Some physical characteristics of these three animals reveal their hiding meaning as metaphor in Dante’s work. As described inferno, â€Å"all tremor and low and gaudy pelt†, the symbol the leopard represents the sin of fraud and lust. We will write a custom essay sample on A leopard, a lion, and a she-wolf in Canto 1 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The lion’s head held high represents pride and raging with hunger represents violence. The She-Wolf carries every craving in her leanness meaning she is painfully skinny. It represents incontinence, avarice and malice, which Dante considered the worst of the sins. Moreover, it also may represent political ambition. At that time, in Florence, political squabbling take place all the time. Greed afflicts the whole country. I think the She-wolf seems to causes greatest problem for Dante. These beasts, especially the She-wolf, drive Dante back despairing into the darkness of error. And now a she-wolf came, that in her leanness / seemed racked with every kind of greediness / (how many people she has brought to grief!) (Inferno I 49-51). As we can see from the description that the She-wolf approaches Dante step by step, which threaten Dante most. As I mentioned above, She-wolf represents the political ambition in some way and Dante describe what She-wolf’ s sin means the worst of the sins.

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